Tranquil Tirades Wiki

Instant Love is a particularly infuriating trope of Tiradesverse movies where two characters fall in love with each other (or a single character falls in love with another) in an unrealistically short amount of time for no good reason. Commonly, the two characters will have absolutely zero chemistry, but must fall in love because there has to be some kind of incredibly contrived, forced romance angle. A rampant attribute of this trope is that traits or quirks that would otherwise be off-putting (or even outright disgusting) to any rational person are seen as charming.

Examples in the Tiradesverse[]

  • Birdemic - Nathalie falls in love with (and presumably has sex with) Rod despite him having the personality of a dead anchovy.
  • Torque - In a particularly insane example, Shane falls in love with, and out of love with, Cary Ford at least a dozen separate times simply based on things he does.
  • Zardoz - Zed and Consuella fall in love out of absolutely nowhere at the end of the movie despite the fact that Consuella hates Zed throughout the entire run time of the film.
  • The Legend of the Titanic - Don Juan falls in love with Elizabeth after staring at her on a dock and sniffing her glove.
  • Twilight - In the most obvious example maybe ever, Bella Swan bcomes utterly obsessed with Edward Cullen for a reason still not known to this day.
  • Samurai Cop - Jennifer, despite being stalked by Joe Marshall, hangs out with him for one afternoon, has sex with him, and goes and tells her mother that she's in love with him.
  • Silent Hill: Revelation 3D - Vincent falls in love with Heather after having one class with her in their high school, despite the fact that he should have a completely warped sense of love because he was raised BY A CULT.
  • Jupiter Ascending - Jupiter falls in love with Caine, despite knowing him for like five minutes and him (apparently) being more canine than human.
  • Elektra - Elektra and Mark make out before the one-hour point of the movie, despite Elektra being a sociopath and having known the guy for like a day, tops.
  • Faust: Love of the Damned - Jade and John fuck despite the former just finding out the latter is a fucking DEMON
  • Warriors of the Wasteland - Scorpion and Alma have known each other for like 13 minutes, the latter having just been rescued from certain death, and they fuck inside his ridiculous muscle car